You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, July 30, 2012

149 Shopping (Finishing) Days Until Christmas

     Here is the second dress finished and ready to wear. I think my sister's daughter Mailee will get this one too. It appears to be her size. It was definately easier to make than the first one. My machine cooperated  and I did alot by hand. Thanks to Mrs. Bradstreet, my 8th Grade Home Economics teacher; she would be so proud. I hand gathered the top and used the blind stitch for the hem. (I now know why it is called the blind stitch. I had to take off my bi-focals to see and without them I am blind... (as my father would say "too bad the neighbors ain't.")
      I am convinced now more than ever that Home Economics classes should be offered in school to any students who wants to learn the basic skills.
     Next up is the first of several American Girl outfits that I am determined to finish once and for all and before my neices Nina and McKenna are too old to want them. It took me a while to detangle the yarn and find the crochet hook but I did it. Why didn't I finish these you ask? You would think because the AG doll clothes are small that they would be easy right? You would be wrong. Its not so much that the patterns are small, its that my hands are so darn big. 
     See you soon! What are you finishing these day? Let us know so we can support you!


Rose said...

OMG Jackie...Now I will have to choose which beautiful dress she should wear to Kenny and Tamara's party. This is dress is gorgeous. Come on over and let's try it on. We could post that picture too and get votes in from your faithful followers. Love you, Rose

Jackie said...

Good Idea!!!!! What dress should Mailee wear to the party? Thanks, Jackie

Anonymous said...

I love the dresses! Wear one and bring the other in case she has a spill!
Great job Jackie. Woohoo!!!
I finished my scarf
Thank you

Jackie said...

Mine should be done by tomorrow! I'' post a picture! Thank you.