You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, March 23, 2018

Spring Has Sprung

The color green always reminds me of Spring and this year I welcome the season change more than ever. We've just endured our 4th Nor'easter in as many weeks and I am done with "Old Man Winter" but enough complaining  for now. I'm happy to report I have completed last week's  assignment for Frankie Brown's Knit Along; Square #11.  Frankie's Knitted Stuff. It's called Honey Comb.  I've committed to using up my "mile high"stash pile for this project and it is starting to show. It shouldn't surprise anyone that it is sewing all these squares together that is proving to be a challenge for me; the "queen of putting things off" and I'm already falling behind. While I didn't set out to use  green I'm glad I did.  This soft, light green color reminds me of new seasons, new life and hope. This yarn is probably a leftover from one of the million baby items my 90 year old mom has made over the years and am thrilled to add it to my blanket.   She recently lost her ability to knit so I inherited her stash.  

Thanks Mom, it's exactly what
 need. 😊



Oh, and I
I couldn't resist re-posting this little leprechaun

(Hat and Beard crocheted by 

"Yours Truly")

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Snow Day

Calm before the storm!
Here we are again in the North East enduring yet another "Nor'easter." The wind is howling and the tides are high. In the last month we've had more than our share of wild weather; the lights are flickering and my fingers are crossed. 
We are luckier than some. We are safe and warm; we can wait it out.  Being forced inside gives "license" to do whatever I want....(or not want) to
do.  I'd be lying if I said I was disappointed. Today I will Finally Finish this week's assignment for the Ravelry group Frankies' Blankie .  I joined this lively group to help me  hone my knitting skills while using the plethora of "stash" that I have acquired.  Each week Frankie Brown, our Group Leader, assigns a new knitted square pattern. At the end we will have knit 50 squares and sewn them together for a wonderful and unique blanket. The group's lively members are quick to encourage and support each other's efforts while offering sound advice and praise. I certainly am not a master knitter but have managed to keep up. 

Today, hopefully
 I will Finally Finish Square
  #10 "Dotted Ladder"

Peace and Love

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Walk Of Shame

Here I am ...I'm back.  

 My excuses are many but I'll spare you the drama and the details and get right to it,  the object of this blog. While I've certainly neglected recording my progress I never abandoned my goals of  Finally Finishing every project I've ever started and left undone. So allow me my "Walk of Shame" and then without further adieu let's move on.  
        Ages ago I came upon a darling pattern for a  crocheted coin purse that I wanted to make my sisters for our annual  Family Christmas Swap. I bought the "kiss clasp" hardware and more  cotton yarn giving me enough now "to sink a ship."  I managed to use some of it for washcloths and some for baby hats, but of course I never got around to making the purses for those special ladies in my life.   Finally I did make one (with many others to come I hope) It was for a group swap I took part in with Ravelry This little swap seemed to be the perfect gift for my partner. 

If you get the hankering to make one too, click the link below. 
Be sure  to scroll down on blog for this particular one.

I used 

from Lyndieloop's Blog