You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, January 21, 2019

Frankie's Blankie - A Mission Accomplished

Happy New Year 

Only once in my life can I recall actually "making AND keeping" a NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION.  On December 31, 1975, I resolved to quit smoking...and quit I did. My first born son had just turned 6 months old, I  now had a good reasons to stop smoking. 
It has now been 44 years, 
and 44 Resolutions 
and 44 failures;

 until NOW that is.
On December 31, 2018  I resolved to hone my knitting skills. While I loved the art of knitting I couldn't do much more than knit and purl. I thought that the beautiful stitch patterns others did were beyond my ability. So I made my silent promise and  joined a group on  Ravelry  called Frankie's Blankie moderated By Frankie Brown creator of Frankie's Knitted Stuff.  Under Frankie's tutelage and over the period of one year we would learn 48 new stitch patterns and create one knitted square each week, sewing them together as we went along . At the end of the year we would add a border. Our reward was our very own, beautiful, handmade blanket.
 WEll , believe it or not 
I did it......I stuck it out!  
Through thick and thin and with the encouragement and support of a lovely knitting community I did it. 
Sure, I may have neglected this BLOG but in the process of taking this class I have kept my commitment to finishing things that I start and to use up the mountain of STASH
 I have accumulated. 
So, yes I am still a procrastinator but maybe not so hopeless after all, so it is in the spirit of Hope that I once again make a New Year's Resolution for 2019
I resolve to read more books this year (at least 2 per month)
Stay tuned to see how that works out for me. 
Happy New Year.

Hazel keeps an eye on my progress.