You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

You Are My Sunshine

As I sort through the "stash" of yarn I've acquired I'm struck by how many skeins of 100% cotton I have on hand.  I shouldn't be. I know how every skein got there and why!  Dishcloths.  If you have ever used a handmade, cotton dishcloth whether it was knitted or crocheted you would know what I mean and never want to use anything else.  Luckily I haven't had to; my mother and grandmother have seen to that. These little  gems clean like none other and they last forever. They wash and dry beautifully and actually get better with time. 
 After my grandmother passed away and my mother was no longer able to knit I began the task of replenishing my supply myself. Every Time I saw a new color of cotton I'd grab it. But let's face it , one can only use so many dishcloths, so I began making and giving them  as gifts until I grew tired of that too.  So the question became WHAT NOW?  
How do I FINALLY FINISH using up the cotton stash? 

 Baby Sun Hats, that's how. 

Thanks to the creative genius of Pinterest I discovered the best sunhat pattern ever by designer 
"KerryJayneDesigns" from Bournemouth England 
and I am hooked, and really, there is nothing cuter if you ask me. I've given them as gifts and they were well received. 

 Let's welcome summer and protect those precious little faces too!

You'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lost and Found

Those close to me know that I retired from my job to help my daughter and her family re-locate back to her hometown. I am now babysitting most week days and it is a thrill to be part of my grand-children's lives. That said, I am also EXHAUSTED and most days "way behind  the 8 ball" as they say. As a result, the ghost of PROCRASTINATION has sneaked back in and haunts me day and night. I can't say I haven't been working on my projects I have. I just haven't gotten around to posting my progress.
 ALAS, I try again. On the hook this day is a baby blanket that I began probably 15 to 20 years ago.
  I left it because either:
   1.   I didn't buy enough yarn to begin with.
     2.   I used some of it for something else,               (Probably didn't finish that either)
      3.  Lost it. 

The yarn is a variegated pastel that I bought with a newborn in mind; I just can't tell you which one.
     Then "Low and Behold" a few weeks ago while perusing my favorite second hand store what do think I found? 
Not 1, not 2, but 3 skeins of the much needed yarn to finish my project. 

The pattern is a simple shell stitch so it should work up quickly. With no babies on the way (that I know of anyway) this blanket will be sent to one of the many deserving organizations that need it.

Spring Has Finally Sprung!