You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Fresh Start

     Welcome to Finally Finishing! I am glad you found me. My goal here is to "once again" commit to finishing any project that I have started. (There are many believe me). Maybe you will want to do the same. I have boxes, closets and drawers full of partially completed projects. I tend to get excited about an idea....I go out and buy the materials and for whatever reason soon after I start, I get sidetracked with another idea. So finally ... Here I am! I am going to complete everything I have started at last! Let's encourage and inspire each other. 
     My first endeavor will be the baby jacket sweater that I started for my grandson over a year ago. His second birthday is in August 12th and I want to give it to him. Thankfully I made it a larger size. He is a big boy.....I hope it fits. So here are the pieces! I've found the directions and I have started knitting again.

 It feels good.  Next I will block the pieces. I need to get a 10" zipper the next time I go out. Sewing it together will be my challenge. I hate doing it and I am not good at it.   Oh, well! If you joining me in your own way let me know how you are doing.....I would love to hear from you!......Until next time.

The Birthday Boy Himself!!!!


Anonymous said...

good luck

Mary said...

LOVE IT!!! Jackie you inspire me <3

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie, What a great project. I am so proud of you and look forward to your updates. I understand that this is about what you have not finished, but I am a testimony to the many projects that you have completed and the kind things you do everyday. I would love to join you in this effort but I think the rubbish truck took my mosaic, oh and there was the jewelry..oh not don't start me..I threw my unfinished projects away. Love you, Rose

jeff said...

you've inspired me to try and not procrastinate. i'm going to start tomorrow for sure. i love the site and love that you are wrapping up your projects. That means you will have time for mine. love Jeff