You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Lost Souls Skulls Shawl

I think if I could stay out of thrift shops and second hand stores I could get a handle on my ever growing yarn stash and thus catch up on the mountain of unfinished projects.

 I can't ...
the problem is bigger than me!

   I know I don't need all the stuff I buy;  it's about THE FIND. Some of you know what I mean.  I see something interesting and I want to either: fix it, paint it, sew it, knit or crochet with it or re-purpose it.  Several months ago while perusing the shelves of my favorite thrift shop I spotted a bag of 16 skeins of  Red, Jaeger Cotton DK yarn for 12 dollars. All new and in the original package. With no idea what I would do with it  I 
grabbed it before anyone else spotted it.  In a giddy "rush: I made my way to the register. The woman behind me said "good find" while others nodded in agreement. "It  is," I said proudly. (the bragging rights definitely helped make the purchase worth it. )"What will you do with it?" another asked. "I haven't  a clue," I confessed.  I knew time would tell....and it did. 
     By October I had signed up for a Christmas Swap through Ravelry My assigned swap partner was a lovely woman from Germany who I learned through corresponding over the internet that among other things she likes the color red and skulls. It took no time at alI to find a pattern and get crocheting. I  worked very hard and while it was a ton of work I was able to complete and ship it in time for  Christmas.

 My swap partner  was surprised and very pleased with her gift. She seemed genuinely  appreciative of  the shawl and my efforts. 

If you would like to make on you can find the free pattern on Ravelry

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