You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Having A Ball

I have mentioned before that "it cracks me up" when well meaning friends (and a few strangers) tell me they too have unfinished projects hanging around, and would I like to finish them for them?  I don't have to think very long before I say NO!  Well, most of the time anyway, unless of course, it is a friend with a touching story "from the heart." (You know me, I'm all about the story. ) It seems that over 20 years ago, my friend, while expecting her first baby, decided to make an " Amish Puzzle Ball"  or Whimsie Ball as it is sometimes called for her baby to be.  She bought the supplies and started her project; who knows why she put it aside unfinished....but she did. Now over 20 years later, that baby girl is grown and has given birth to a daughter of her own. My friend is now the proud grandmother of a gorgeous baby girl, and the
puzzle ball has taken on new meaning. I have to say the project was a challenge for me. First off, I didn't have the instructions for the toy so had to depend on a "Google" search to help me out. Secondly, I didn't have experience in piecing together this type of project . (UGHHHH) Who knew every single piece had to be perfectly cut, sewn and stuffed in order to fit together?)

 Well, it certainly isn't perfect but I
 it and soon  little Ms. Riley will be the recipient of this thoughtful heirloom
Whimsie Ball!

 That is
 if I can get it away from my 
grandson Drew 
who thinks it is his now!

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