You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Reliving The Past!

I continue to check things off of my "Finish This list" at a snails pace or even slower. For a long time now I have started each day with my "Week At A Glance" calendar in front of me. I write down what I NEED to accomplish, and things I WANT to accomplish. The following day I check off what I have done and carry over to the next day the tasks I didn't complete This keeps me somewhat organized but I have to admit sometimes I look at the carried over list and change my mind; this is where the eraser comes in handy. I am a big believer of "out of sight, out of mind". One entry though has hounded me for a very long time.    Call Janie, Call Janie, Call Janie, oh for God sakes call Janie already!!!!!    You see, at least three years ago I ran into the daughter of one of my mom's best friend, you guessed it.....Janie.  She told me she had been going through some old photos and that she had come across some great old pictures of my mom and dad that she wanted to show us. She asked me to call her to set up a time that I could bring my mom over and look through the pictures.   Ughhhh, while this is certainly right up my ally I  never found the time or motivation to make the call, until  two weeks ago that is. I called Janie and clearly she was thrilled to hear from me. We set a time for the following Saturday to meet for our long overdue visit. I am so glad I did. What  a wonderful and memorable time we had. We sat at the kitchen table and poured over  picture after picture. In those moments time melted away and my mom was able to relive the " good old days"  with my father and their babies. Most of the photos were taken over 60 years ago. My mom said those years were some of the happiest times of her life. The afternoon flew by and we finally wrapped things up and said our goodbyes with a promise to get together again. I hope we do. My mother is 86 years old now and I treasure each day with her. I took copies of as many photo as I could with my I-pad.
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words,
surely it is more if you count the unspoken ones
                            hidden in your heart.                                                    


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! Your stories and photos bring a smile. Enjoy every moment & every day. Love you. ❤️

Jackie said...

Thank you for your kind words. Thanks too for reading my blog!

Rose said...

Beautifully said! 💝

jeff said...

nice pictures Jackie, did you look at everyone's face closeup? I'm not sure if anyone is happy but Eddie seems to have found himself a portapotty. love the picture of the adults too.