You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Almost Pinterest Christmas

may have been the last person in the world to join Pinterest. I figured the last thing I needed was another project to take me away from my commitment of finally finishing the things I had already started. But join I did this crafty, social media craze on the recommendation of a co-worker.  Before I knew it I was hooked. This was a procrastinators dream come true. Here at my fingertips was a plethora of projects that I was sure to start and not finish. Recipes I knew I wouldn't try and books I would never read. Like everyone else I began creating my own boards and pinning all of things I loved. It wasn't long before I started my Christmas list of things I would make for my loved ones. I even perused family boards for ideas I knew they would like. After all if it was pinned to their board then they certainly wanted it.   Of the dozens of pins that I collected and planned on executing, I only managed to finish three. Yes you read it right....three!

Two infinity scarves for my daughter and daughter-in -law and a sweater jacket for my grandson Drew. The sweater jacket wasn't completed on time so will be late (as usual) as I just sewed on the last button today. Once again my lofty ambitions were not realized.   
It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.......

Well, I guess I know where I am headed....
at least it will be warmer than today's temperature!
Happy New Year!!


Flobee said...

Love the scarf, Jackie. Happy New Year! Here's to finally finishing!

deb o said...

Love both. Awesome job! Funny post!

Jackie said...

Thanks guys, the beat goes on!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi and Hapoy New Year! Congrats on finishing 3 projects! I'm trying to finish a knitted scarf that I'm working on now. Take care and happy creating for 2014.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Jacqueline, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving that sweet comment on my creations I've made! I hate the winters here andy will look forward to when it's over! Lol! I think it's going to be a long one. Take care and stay warm yourself!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Jacqueline, I'm nominating you for the Liebster Award. Please have a look at my blog when you get a chance and you will be mentioned there. Have a great day.
Julie at Julie's Lifestyle