You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


When I was a young girl of 6 or 7 I guess, my grandmother made my sisters and me darling pillowcases for our beds. They had beautiful hand embroidered faces of  "Southern Belles" holding parasols. They wore long, crocheted gowns that were stitched into the pillowcase. I remember loving those pillowcases and thinking they were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. I guess even back then I had an appreciation for hand crafted items and fancy stitching. These pillowcases were popular for their time, so you know me, loving all things vintage; when I got older and had a family and home of my own I set out to recreate these little gems from the 50s era. Over the years I've seen similar pillowcases at flea markets and antique shops; I even bought one on EBAY.  I've yet to see one as beautiful as the ones made by my grandmother though. In 2002 I found the coveted pattern in a needlework catalog and sent away for it with plans of making them for my guest room.  The pattern is postmarked exactly 11 years ago today.  Unfortunately I never got around to making them as the delicate crochet and intricate stitchery intimidated me and I put it away for another day. A few weeks ago I pulled out the package and once again unearthed  another treasure. Im happy to report that it is
Finally Finished.

Original Package Postmarked March 19, 2002


Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! You did a beautiful job. That's a lot of work. Congratulations.

Jackie said...

Thank you, I am glad it is done...onward!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I did not remember this until now! It is beautiful. Thanks for giving me back so many nice memories through your projects. Rose

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Jacqueline, you did a beautiful job on the pillow case and I have never seen anything like this before. It must have been a lot of work to do and you must be so happy. Julie x

Finally Finishing said...

Hi Julie thank you. It took me forever, I really am not comfortable doing embroidery so it doesn't come natural to me but I love to crochet. The tiny hook has discouraged me for years ha ha...sounds like you had fun at the craft class. I'm