You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, November 12, 2012

W.W.G.D? (What Would Grammy Do?)

O.k,  so I find myself moaning and groaning to anyone and everyone who will listen that I can't figure out how to finish the green baby sweater. Well meaning advice has been everything from "throw it out" to  "pay someone else to do it".  But the fact remains that I need to  "blanket stitch" the little holes around the bottom and on the cuff of the arms and I don't know how to do it. I have tried and I am making a mess. Mine just doesn't look like the one in the book.   Life was less stressful for me before Pinterest!  Unfortunately the only people I know that could help me are otherwise "indisposed";  my mother who just isn't up to it these days and my grandmother who sadly is not longer with us; so...... short of contacting the Long Island Medium to ask "grammy's"  advice I have to figure it out myself.  This is unfortunate because my grandmother would be able to help me. She could do anything creative with or without a pattern. Sewing, embroidery, cooking, knitting and crocheting you name it.
This is evident in the tablecloth I came across while searching for of the white embroidery floss that I needed to do the "blasted blanket stitch". 

 This gorgeous work of art was crocheted by my grandmother with dainty thread and a tiny hook; and I am sure without one bit of complaining.
 Like every thing she did, she did it with love.
  I guess I'll go now to You Tube and try to figure it out.

This time without complaint but with old fashioned ingenuity and perseverance.

Because that is what Grammy would do!


Anonymous said...

LOVE, love, love the table cloth!~~
You can do this, I know you!
You Tube will get you through one step at a time.
...and you know
all it takes is one step...
Good luck
Can't wait to see the finished project.

Love, Tamara

Unknown said...

Omg, your gran was amazing! Did you learn from her? I learned how to crochet from my grandmom and I wish I was more proactive when I was younger because all of the things that I am learning now, would have been a great bonding experience with her. But, I digress, YouTube is a great resource. I, personally, need to visually see the motion of certain stitches in order to fully understand how to work it. And some advice, work up a small square where you can practice on before applying it to your final piece. It's a lot less stressful. If you mess up, so what?! :D Good luck!

Jackie said...

Tamara, thank you so much. I appreciate your encouragement. I am sure if your mom was here she could help me too. Those old gals were amazing with the needles. Thanks,

Jackie said...

Hi Brittany My grandmother did help me learn to crochet and knit. She was amazing. She used to unravel old wool sweaters and re-knit them for other kids. She was poor and new how to survive. Thanks for reading and for the ecouragement. You seem to be doing well yourself and sooooo busy. Good Luck.

jeff said...

I know you can buutonhole or blanket stitch with the best of them. as for the photo of gram i think she had another arm to be holding me...also as for your last blog, i'm sure i remember correctly that you dressed up as princess leah for bobby...not dylan...not that there's anything wrong with that

Jackie said...

Jeff, you are soooooo funny. I really appreciate your input.