You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, September 6, 2012


  This is a picture of me, my mom Lucille, my sister (in-law) Tamara and her mother Peg. We went on a mother/daughter cruise together a few years ago and had a blast! From the moment we boarded the ship to the minute we got home we laughed ourselves stupid.(mostly Peg's antics with the crewmen, but that's another blog altogether.)
We spent 7 days eating,drinking shopping, sight seeing and gambling, (O.K. maybe I was the only one gambling and drinking). We spent hours talking, sharing and bonding but it was bitter sweet. You can't tell by the picture but Peg's health was not good. She was seriously ill and we all knew this would probably be the last time she would be able to travel like this.
  I knew I was experiencing something very special.
   Not long after we got home and as Peg's health declined she began clearing out her sewing room and gave me some of her fabric. Among it was several yards of gorgeous vintage upholstery fabric; black and red with an Asian theme.  Of all of the projects that I have "put off" this one has bothered me most. I vowed that day that I would make something special for my sister-in law with the fabric. She loves pocketbooks and purses and has an eclectic collection. I decided I would make her one as a tribute to her mother and a memorial of our cruise.
Of course I never finished it. I did everything but put the shoulder strap on and it has sat in my "closet" since 2009
Here it is Tamara! I finally finished it!
I'll get it to you soon!


Flobee said...

I love this, Jackie. You never cease to touch my heart with your honesty and humor...congrats on finishing your project. I'm sure Tamara will treasure it.

Ginny Fowles Ward said...

This a really sweet one,Jackie. Good for you. It's beautiful!

Rose said...

Jackie, Flobee (not sure who that is) just said it best. You are one of the kindest people I know. This will be so special for Tamara. Love you and miss you. Be home tomorrow!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jackie. Thank you. I can hardly see my keyboard with the tears in my eyes. Your words are so beautiful. The memories of that trip are treasures in my heart. The pocketbook looks wonderful. You do such a perfect job on all your projects! Mom would say "nice job...neat what are you going to do next?!". The picture in my mind is her being pushed into the dining room as the head waiter pops a wheelie! Thank you thank you thank you! ��. <3 tamara.

jeff said...

Jackie, when you described this i kind of chuckled to myself thinking, "upholstry fabric?" but it is amazing, so cool and so one of a kind.
Didn't you start making me a hammock around 1978?

Finally Finishing said...

Aww thank you everyone for the support and kind words. I am really enjoying this whole thing. I can't believe I am actually accomplishing so much. peace and love xoxox

Meagan said...

So wonderful mom- your true talent is that your heart leads you to these projects and they come from a place if kindness and generosity - this one is so wonderfully you ...

DebO said...

Jackie, I remember you telling me about this fabric. Nice to see it has come to life! Keep up the good work.